The road in the interior is comparatively nicer further north and the drivers used this as license to drive at unconscionable speeds through the forest. There was nothing to hold on to aside from the curtain on the window so Shaan and I just sort of stared in amazement and hoped that we wouldn't tip over. Our bags kept falling off the ceiling rack when we took sharp turns. I guess they were trying to make good time in anticipation for a problem, which we hit...
A big truck full of wood got stuck in the mud and blocked the road. We got off to check it out and watched one of those infuriating scenes of indecision and inefficiency.
Note that this is a timber truck, so there is no shortage of wood to put under the wheels of the truck in order to get it out of the mud. Yet no one attempts any solution.

First some chatting

Then the first Mack truck arrives

The truck drivers join and now it's time to tell jokes!

More Mack trucks, yet no one does anything
An hour passes. At this point Shaan and I have come up with four different feasible ways to get out of the mud. Yet no one really seems concerned that it's going to get dark and we're just chilling on the road.

Then on the horizon comes our savior. notice the group of people back there- one of them is the driver of our bus, another is the driver of the stuck truck... not even anywhere near the problem.

And finally the truck gets towed out!
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