Dip Lime- First to the bougie diplomat happy hour for some chatting and group mobilizing.
Windy's- Next to Windy's because they have the only 2 for 1 happy hour in Guyana... except we missed it. Instead food, Banks, and kareoke.
UCCW (or some other combination of letters). This was the club for a workers union and consisted of old local people dancing to a live band playing oldies. It was awesome and I got to dance with a 60 year old, overweight Guyanese man and observe the seasoned dance moves of old Guyanese ladies in very tight clothing.
Buddy's- This place is ridiculous. It's four stories: a club, a pool hall, a gym, and Chinese
restaurant. I never made it out of the club part.
Shaan's Apartment- Relaxing and eating Reese's Whipps, which are basically Reese's that taste bad because the delicious dense peanut butter part is replaced with light fluffy brown 'whip'. However, it wouldn't be the end to a night in Georgetown without eating Reese's Whipps... AKA the only thing in Shaan's refridgerator.

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