So Shaan and I bopped around Georgetown for the evening and drank the local beer, Banks Beer (to be said in it's entirety... when Shaan asked for two Banks' the bar tender said "oh, a Banks Beer?"). Some of you may be amazed that I drank a beer since I'm normally a drink with a cherry on the bottom of it sort of girl but at least my beer came with a straw. And interestingly, we went to two places, both of which gave me a straw to drink my beer from but didn't give one to Shaan... Apparently boys drink from bottles and girls drink from straws. A quick glance around the bar confirmed this. The problem with drinking beer from a straw is that it's carbonated. So basically there was a never ending stream of foam leaking down the side of my bottle like a fourth grade volcano science project.

No Straw for Shaan (notice overflow)
An advantage of drinking with a straw is that your teeth will probably be less stained! :-) Not that your teeth specifically are stained... just in general, I mean!