A ferry, or more accurately a collection of empty floating crates covered by planks of wood with some sort of monstrous motor attached started to chug over to our side.
Looking at it you'd think "that bus is going to fit on that ferry?" which is exactly what myself and every other interior-first-timer did as we watched an incredibly unscientific yet amazingly successful process.
First two dudes jump down and start seemingly randomly placing cracking drift wood under the ferry ledge. Then they slide some 2X4s over top to make a ramp, but only a ramp big enough for the width of the tires of the bus, no margin of error. And then the bus BACKS onto the ferry. First try, it smashes into it, back up and tries again. Some planks are moved, and magically the second time it gets on.
The entire ride across the river I was calculating which direction I would swim in when the ferry sank...
P.S. Crossing the ferry in the other direction my fears were somewhat mitigated after the first success but then also enhanced by the woman who owns the bar nearby telling me how drunk the ferry operators were the night before...

Here come the "ferry"

Back that thing up

Oops, crashed a little

The perfect configuration of precarious logs

and we're off!
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