Basically, there were large metal (sorta) bridges that you can walk on swinging between the tallest trees in the rainforest. Only one person was allowed at a time and the trees up that high do sort of sway...
The view was great even though our guide was reticent. He answered questions with the fewest words and least information possible.
Laura "How long did it take to build the walkway?
Gabriel "A long time"
Laura "Is it a long way to the base camp?"
Gabriel "yes"
Laura "How did they choose which trees to use as the anchors?"
Gabriel -shrug-
I made a decision to feel safe despite all the questions in my brain like "how do they know these tress aren't going to fall?" and "did anyone draw a free-body diagram to ensure that there is enough support for our body weight up here?" and "what if the termites from that massive nest spent all of last night munching on the branch that the railing is tied to?"
Oh well.

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