The basecamp has about 8 cabins, a main center, some dormitories for staff, and a place to sling a hammock. It is the base for the biologists who do research in the forest and while we were there, two dudes were posted there, one researching dung beatles (ew) and the other tree frogs.
They don't get tourists every day and when they do get them, they get an email alerting them about twelve hours in advance. They assign each group a guide who chills with them and takes them to do activities in the morning, afternoon, and night.
I thought it was a little pricey when we arranged the trip from Georgetown but I can totally see why... they have all this infrastructure and staff and no guarantee that anyone will come!
The place was beautiful with picturesque cabins and manicured lawns and the staff was fantastic and friendly. Totally recommend it to anyone who happens to be in the middle of Guyana.

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