Everyone kept telling me I was so lucky to get the last seat... they didn't tell me the last seat was the copilot's seat. This seemed sort of cool to me at first until I realized that if I was in the copilot's seat then there was no copilot. So, being me, I dreamt up all the health issues that could suddenly incapacitate the pilot, requiring me to fly the plane. I spent the hour ride carefully observing every dial he touched, trying to figure out which were the essentials if it should come down to it.
So I was totally engrossed in observation as he turned this knob and pulled this lever. This is a small propeller plane and we were going through the rain forest so it got a bit bumpy and at one point we hit a major bump and my instinct was to grab on to something but the only thing in front of me was the steering wheel (or whatever it's called). Bad move :( Thankfully I did not cause our demise but did try to hit on my hands for the rest of the trip.

Our plane


After hours of observation, I can now tell you what three of these dials is for

Clouds, rare-Guyananese puffy white clouds.
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